{"id":39836,"date":"2023-09-08T07:25:44","date_gmt":"2023-09-08T11:25:44","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/martinlatulippe.com\/?page_id=39836"},"modified":"2023-09-08T07:49:12","modified_gmt":"2023-09-08T11:49:12","slug":"conditions-of-sale","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/martinlatulippe.com\/en\/conditions-of-sale\/","title":{"rendered":"Conditions of sale"},"content":{"rendered":"

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Conditions of<\/h2>\n

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Conditions of sale \u2013 Martin Latulippe<\/b><\/p>\n



Receipt of an email order confirmation does not automatically signify Wow Now Inc.’s acceptance of your membership\/subscription to any of our programs. Wow Now Inc. reserves the right, without further notice, to refuse to do business with any customer. Wow Now Inc. reserves the right to verify personal information and to make changes to the order such as adjusting taxes based on residence address, conversion rate based on country of purchase or interest rate based on payment method selected.<\/p>\n

By agreeing to order via our website, your name and e-mail address will automatically be added to our free e-mail list, which also contains commercial offers. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking at the bottom of the e-mail. In addition, if you wish, you can send a request to az@martinlatulippe.ca<\/a> to have your personal information removed from our database. It is very important to note that if you become a Wow Now Inc. customer through one of our subscriptions and unsubscribe from our email list, you will no longer have access to our communications and your service, as our system will no longer recognize your membership without your email address.<\/p>\n

Satisfaction guarantee – Online web programs<\/strong><\/p>\n

All our online training programs are covered by a trial satisfaction guarantee, via a date that is always indicated on the offer page in each of our promotions, with the exception of VIP Circle of Excellence support<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

So, in concrete terms, the ZEROLIMITE Academy always offers a trial guarantee of at least 14 days (sometimes more, depending on the promotion) after your first payment, and at the end of this guarantee, if you’re not entirely satisfied with your investment (whether you’ve chosen to pay in a single payment or in several payments), and the teachings don’t suit you, simply write to us at az@martinlatulippe.ca during your guarantee period and we’ll give you your money back.<\/p>\n

We really are here to help you progress. After this guarantee period, your membership or payments made are non-refundable, although you can always terminate your payments if you have joined via multiple payment methods. Of course, it’s understood here that if you end your payments, you’ll automatically lose access to the training, just like a gym membership or a subscription service like Netflix, for example.<\/p>\n

When you register for one of our online programs, you certify that you are at least 18 years old and that all your information is true (name, payment information).<\/p>\n

Commitment to pay for your training<\/strong><\/p>\n

You agree to pay all payments you choose to make through your membership, if any. If you stop making payments to your membership, Wow Now Inc. will block access to the program in question. If you ever wish to resume after having stopped your payments, simply write to az@martinlatulippe.ca and a member of our team will contact you to arrange further payments. Once payments have been re-established, the user will regain access to their program without any problems. If no arrangements are made, you will lose access to your membership.<\/p>\n

Your access is for single use only<\/strong><\/p>\n

Your subscription is for your personal use only. You may not transfer it to a third party for their use. Distribution of your account name, password or online program videos may result in cancellation of your program without refund. Additional charges may apply for unauthorized use. For security reasons, your username and password must remain confidential and can only be used by you. We recommend that you change them regularly. You are solely responsible for any use or misuse of your username and password, and for all activities carried out under them. If you suspect that the security of your username or password has been compromised, it is important that you notify Wow Now Inc. immediately. Wow Now Inc. is under no obligation to verify the identity or authority of the user of any username or password.<\/p>\n

If you stop your payments<\/strong><\/p>\n

In the case of the ZEROLIMITE Academy, if you stop making your membership payments, in addition to losing access to modules, coaching sessions and other elements, you will also lose access to the Elementor Web license that is offered when you are a member of the ZEROLIMITE Academy, as well as your access to live events and the AZ community group on Facebook or on the portal.<\/p>\n

Meaning of “Lifetime access”<\/strong><\/p>\n

Since 2012, Wow Now Inc. has mentioned that its online training products, once customers have paid their subscription in full, are accessible “for life”. By this, customers should understand that this does not include:<\/p>\n